Staying Healthy in the Fast Lane

(Nandana) #1
staying healthy in the fast lane

TRIAD Exercise Phase I (Step 4):
Efficient Aerobics

DO a minimum of one half-hour DAILY with a goal of one hour
daily of aerobic exercise.
Aerobic exercise is simply moving your big muscles (legs, arms,
etc.) and getting your heart rate up to where you can still talk, but
you are breathing and hopefully breaking a sweat. If you haven’t
been exercising in a while and/or are overweight or have cardiac
issues, you should see your doctor first.

¾ Incorporate your exercise into as much of your normal
daily duties as possible. Think about it: How much of your
normal daily activity can you make into movement?

¾ Walk with a family member or your entire family. I can’t
think of anything more important than exercising and
spending quality time with your family; it is a “win-win.”

¾ Do recreational things outside your home that can in-
clude your family member(s) or spouse and that also in-
clude aerobic movement: hiking, walking the dog, push-
ing a stroller, speed walking with a child in a backpack,
ballroom dancing, etc. Move with those you love.

¾ If you are stuck at home because of family duties, weather,
or safety, exercise in front of the TV. Set an example for
your children and your spouse. Make it a priority! Don’t
turn on the TV until you get on your favorite piece of ex-
ercise equipment.

¾ Do a DVD of some kind of aerobic/dance program at home
before the kids get up or after they go to bed.

¾ Make sure you get up and move at least every hour if you
have a sit-down job.

¾ You can also break up the activity in one session (ten min-
utes stair-stepper, ten minutes treadmill, ten minutes el-
liptical rider). The combination isn’t important; keeping
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