Staying Healthy in the Fast Lane

(Nandana) #1
the triad exercise program

yourself from getting bored and moving for at least thirty
minutes is important!
¾ Don’t be stuck on one movement activity for aerobics. Ex-
ercise is cumulative. You could exercise for fifteen min-
utes on the stair-stepper at your business gym and then
walk with your family/spouse for a half-hour when you
get home. Or maybe go to a martial arts class in the eve-
ning or dance for an hour (keep a vision in the back of
your mind of a total goal of one hour per day).

¾ Rotate aerobic exercises so you don’t get bored. For exam-
ple, play tennis two days per week, walk two days, take an
aerobics class two days, and hike one day. Do something
every day!

¾ Walk wherever you can walk during your normal working
day. (Skip escalators, elevators, short car rides, parking
close, etc.)

¾ If you are a bit crazy like me, keep your running shoes and
exercise shorts in the trunk of your car. Change in the gym
parking lot or near a park (discreetly, of course!), and go
run or walk.
¾ Be creative. Ask yourself throughout your day where you
can be more active. You will see opportunities. Take them.

¾ Then say to yourself, “Wow! I am improving my health,
saving money, reducing my risk of serious disease, feeling
better, looking better, becoming the director of my health,
and investing in the best Fortune 500 company ever: ME!”

TRIAD Exercise Phase II (Step 5):
Efficient Strength Training

DO safe and efficient strength training fifteen to thirty min-
utes three to four days per week.
First and foremost, you don’t have to spend hours in the gym to
get a really cut body and be strong. People make it way too difficult
and complicated. I see it every time I go to the gym. With a focused,

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