Staying Healthy in the Fast Lane

(Nandana) #1
staying healthy in the fast lane

spend more time in the gym, just increase the time of the aero-
bics, number of exercises for your circuit training, and duration of
You should make your gym experience one continuous exer-
cise. Don’t stop, chitchat, or rest. Just keep moving! You will see
rapid results. Don’t overeat protein or fat calories! This is not nec-
essary and can be harmful!
Keep a picture of a four-hundred-pound muscular gorilla in
your mind eating tons of greens and fruit, plus a few termites or
ants, if you don’t believe you can be muscular eating lots of plant
foods. In fact, the January 2008 issue of National Geographic (pp.
88–105) featured an article on these magnificent creatures. One
photo shows a large male sitting in a pond “sucking down” some
type of green plant, stem first (p. 99)!
So the next time someone asks you where do you get your pro-
tein for muscles by eating only plant foods, ask them where do you
think a gorilla gets its muscles (and the elephant, hippo, giraffe,
and, yes, the cow)? Tell them the answer is in the January 2008
issue of National Geographic on page 99!

Strength Training for the Elderly—a Must!

We are aging, and aging fast, in the United States (and the
world). We have to stay functional. Exercise in our seniors is criti-
cal for a viable economy and healthcare system. Strength training
is very important in this group to maintain function and indepen-
dence and keep healthcare costs reasonable.
In my older patients, I am even more adamant about strength
training. They think I am a bit crazy, but they appreciate it when
they get my “sense of urgency” for them to do some form of strength
training so they can remain as independent as possible for as long
as they can. The number one concern of older people, from my
experience, is the worry and desire to remain independent.
I think my older patients also appreciate that I don’t expect
them to be falling apart. I expect them to be slowing the aging pro-
cess. I expect them to really improve their strength and physical

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