Staying Healthy in the Fast Lane

(Nandana) #1
the triad exercise program

Simple Exercises to Keep Backs Pain Free

By doing simple, gentle, pain-free flexion-extension exercises,
simple trunk rotation, and hamstring exercises consistently, many
lower back problems can be prevented. (NOTE: No matter what
any health professional tells you (me included), if it hurts, DO NOT
DO IT! Go “up to” and around back pain, but do not push through it!)
Here are some simple back exercises you can do.

¾ Try to do some form of flexion-extension exercises every
day, even if it is just for a few minutes. If you are standing,
“flexion” is bending forward from the waist, and “exten-
sion” is tilting backward from the waist (try not to curve
your back but bend at the waist).

¾ Do some hamstring stretches (back of your thighs be-
tween your butt and knees) every day.

¾ Do some type of large muscle movement every day—a
non-traumatic aerobic exercise. Backs love big muscle
movement. Do an activity that doesn’t hurt your back, but
do something.

¾ “Wake your back up” in the morning before getting out of
bed, especially if you have a sore back. (1) Pull your knees
up with feet flat on the bed and rock your knees (togeth-
er) gently from side to side. Gently, complete a greater ro-
tation with each rocking motion. (2) Lift your pelvis up
to the ceiling, as if you had a string tied to your navel and
you were a puppet with someone gently pulling the string
from above. Then let it come down and repeat five to ten
times. (3) Pull each knee toward your chest. (4) Then pull
both knees to your chest. Do these simple stretches five
to ten times each. (5) Roll to your side and slide off the
bed to either a standing position or to your knees. (6) If
on all “fours,” do the “angry cat” stretch: Arch your back
like an angry cat, then let it go down like a sway back in an
old horse with your face looking up. Then gently tilt your
pelvis between those two movements five to ten times.
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