Staying Healthy in the Fast Lane

(Nandana) #1

Chapter 15

The TRIAD Mind-Body Program

Steps 7, 8, and 9 in the 9 Simple Steps to Optimal Health

  • (Step 7) BE thankful for five minutes morning and evening.

  • (Step 8) SIT quietly for fifteen to sixty minutes daily.

  • (Step 9) IMAGINE your ideal health and life daily five to
    fifteen minutes. Think about what you want, not about what
    you don’t want. Write it down. Picture it!

In this book, we have talked about things that are very bio-
chemical (TRIAD Diet Program) and biomechanical (TRIAD Ex-
ercise Program) and how they can affect your health. Now we are
going to enter the last and most powerful phase of wellness, the
TRIAD Mind-Body Program.
While most people, deep down, recognize that the mind is the
most powerful part of us, generally it is the least talked about be-
cause it is hard to quantify your improvement and progress. It’s not
like pounds coming off from healthy dieting. Nor is it as evident as
working with weights and seeing that muscle definition develop or
doing aerobics and seeing improvement in miles on the treadmill
or seeing your body become more flexible. Your improvement with
mind-body training can be that you just feel better and are more
relaxed and that life is flowing—it’s kind of hard to measure.
In this discussion of the third and final leg of the TRIAD Well-
ness Program, we start with things that can affect the mind bio-
chemically, then move into the more subtle but most powerful
aspects of health, healing, and living a happy life. After all, the goal

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