Staying Healthy in the Fast Lane

(Nandana) #1
staying healthy in the fast lane

of all this is to live a happy, purposeful life—one of service and

Helping the Mind’s Biochemistry

  • Control blood sugar – Eat low-glycemic, whole, unprocessed
    foods (glycemic index ≤ 55,

  • Minimize stimulants and medications – Caffeine, smoking,
    and recreational and prescription drugs can all alter brain

  • Consume good fats (omega-3 fatty acids) – These are need-
    ed for actual brain tissue and anti-inflammation from green
    vegetables, sea algae and vegetables, nuts, seeds, fish, and

  • Get daily sunshine (fifteen to twenty minutes) – This is im-
    portant for mood enhancement and vitamin D synthesis.
    Consider using a morning light box. Take 2000 to 5000 IU of
    vitamin D.

  • Get daily exercise (thirty to sixty minutes) – Exercise is a
    mood elevator and improves blood flow to the brain.

  • Get a good night’s sleep – This helps with stress reduction,
    reducing stress hormones, and improves tissue repair.

Training Your Mind as You Would Train Your Body

One of my favorite quotes to share with patients is to “train
your mind as you would train your body for a marathon. Do it daily
with intention.”
Think of your mind as a muscle that needs training. Expect
to train it for two to three months before you really start to see
change. Commit to a program for six months to a year. That is why
I use the marathon analogy: You can’t train for a marathon in a
week. It takes months of hard work. Set a plan to train your mind
in whatever discipline or disciplines feel right for you.

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