Staying Healthy in the Fast Lane

(Nandana) #1
the triad mind-body program

I believe it is critically important to do three things for your
mind/spirit training on a daily basis:

  1. Be quiet daily for fifteen to sixty minutes.

  2. Be thankful morning and evening.

  3. Hold a vision of what you want for your body and your life.

And truthfully, there is probably a fourth: Read or listen to posi-
tive things daily.

(Step 7) BE Thankful for Five
Minutes Morning and Evening

Being thankful is an incredibly important and simple mental
state of intention we can do to create a happy life, good health, and
make the world a better place to live. Being continually thankful
and living thankfully acknowledges and puts faith into action that
there is a loving God or universal power.
Some of the “magic” that comes from being thankful is that
if your mind is full of thankfulness there is no room for negative
thinking. You don’t have to try not to have negative thoughts; there
just is no space for them in the thankful mind! Some believe that by
the “Law of Attraction” you receive more of what you are thankful
for. Since being thankful is a happier way to live than being nega-
tive, you have nothing to lose by practicing thankfulness and won-
derful things to gain.
Start by just committing to being thankful for a few minutes ev-
ery morning and evening. Then expand this thankfulness through-
out your day. It’s a wonderful way to live and will improve your
physical and emotional health. Another way of saying this is living
in a state of gratitude.

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