Staying Healthy in the Fast Lane

(Nandana) #1
staying healthy in the fast lane

(Step 8) SIT Quietly for
Fifteen to Sixty Minutes Daily

Any type of meditative time—whether it’s a traditional medi-
tative practice or a prayer session, walking on the beach, or just
sitting—is a critical component to being well.
Modern society provides so much for us to do that our minds
find it difficult to be “empty” to receive or “hear” guidance from
For me, a transformational practice for the last couple of years
has been just sitting still for fifteen to thirty minutes each day—
physically still. I don’t try to meditate or empty my mind of thoughts;
I just accept the thoughts that come and don’t worry about them.
In the past when I tried to meditate, I always felt I failed. I would
have so many thoughts in my mind and would “fight” to get them
out of my mind.
Try just being physically still for fifteen to thirty minutes each
day, in the same location, without worrying about your thoughts.
It sounds simple, but practicing this every day has changed my life.
Before I sit, I do one thing: I ask to see my next step clearly when I
come out of my quiet time—the next step to really living my life’s
purpose, passion, and potential. If I have the quiet time, I usually
see the next step and recognize it sometime later in the day or the
next day.

(Step 9) IMAGINE Your Ideal Health and
Life Daily for Five to Fifteen Minutes.

Think about what you want, not about what
you don’t want. Write it down. Picture it!

One thing I have noticed over the years is that chronically ill
patients have no idea of what it’s like to be well. If you ask them to
picture themselves well or living their ideal life, many times they
have no idea of what that might be. They can’t even begin to imag-
ine or describe it.

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