Staying Healthy in the Fast Lane

(Nandana) #1
staying healthy in the fast lane

simplify all this self-improvement stuff I was working on, and Marc
Allen made it so simple! It was perfect for me to “laser down” my
focus on my dreams, goals, and plans, which seemed to be scat-
tered all over the place.
I devoured that two-CD set about twenty times, and then one
day I played hooky from a medical seminar in San Diego. I drove to
the beach, sat in a little coffee shop, and two hours later had writ-
ten my “five-year ideal scene” down to precise detail on just two
pages. That was twenty-five years of scattered goals and dreams
consolidated and refined. The point is this: I had been asking with
all my heart for the last four or five years to really get my life’s path
together. Maybe it was turning fifty—who knows?—but I just felt it
was my time to really share my gifts and that I’d better get my act
together. Again, God sent me what I needed at the right time. God
is perfect. Always offering the next step—if you ask and are open
to receiving.
The works of these two wonderful teachers (Canfield and
Allen) came at the exact right time. I was more ready. My focus
was and is better. Most importantly, my quiet time is better, so I
can “see” (hear) the messages God is giving me quicker and more
clearly, and I have more confidence that I am being led.

Some Thoughts on the Validity of Imagery

Some might say that this imagery and picturing what you want
is all “hocus pocus.” A little too “out there.” Yet most everyone ac-
cepts the use of imagery in athletics as normal. Many great ath-
letes do it. During the Beijing Olympics in 2008 and the Vancouver
Olympics in 2010, you probably heard more than one athlete say
they pictured or visualized winning the race or their event over
and over to perfection in their minds. Then it happened. Almost
exactly as they imagined. Maybe even better!
If you believe imagery can be used for athletic performance,
then it is not a far-fetched notion to believe that imagery can help us
achieve a state of wellness with the physical body and abilities we
want. Visualizing can’t hurt and takes very little time. Just thinking

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