Staying Healthy in the Fast Lane

(Nandana) #1
the triad mind-body program

about yourself being whole and vibrant has to create something
positive physically instead of living in fear that your body is “falling
If nothing else, thinking and imagining your ideal health state
leaves no room in your mind for negative imagery.
These practices in the TRIAD Mind-Body section are not mine.
They are from others with my own little twist and stories. Ulti-
mately, if they resonate with you, they are really from God, lovingly
guiding you to take the next step to fulfilling your true passions
and walking your path on this planet, which is true health—to be
able to live your life purpose with vibrancy, energy, passion, com-
passion, and most importantly love! Why else be healthy?

True Healing

I believe your mind leads your body. It is the master. That said,
any way you get positive momentum going or tighten a few spokes,
whether you start with your mind first or physical changes from
diet and exercise, moving positively is the key. Ideally, you do it all
at once, tightening a couple of mental and physical spokes at the
same time. You marry positive mental practices with good lifestyle
practices, and wonderful things happen! I guarantee it!

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