Staying Healthy in the Fast Lane

(Nandana) #1


Remember How We Got Here

Modern humans, as they move from rural areas to cities (ur-
banization), have more access to excess calories and fewer nutri-
ents from the increased consumption of processed foods. These
changes in dietary intake have been facilitated by improvements in
worldwide transportation, marketing, and manufacturing. In ad-
dition, people are less physically active in their daily jobs and get-
ting to those jobs. These modern lifestyle factors lead to unhealthy
weight gain and body inflammation that initiate and propagate all
chronic diseases (i.e., heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure,
cancer, diabetes, bone loss, Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases,
macular degeneration, cataracts, etc.).
Medical research over the last thirty to forty years has shown
that we can reverse chronic diseases, such as heart disease and
diabetes, with simple but aggressive lifestyle practices involving
diet and exercise. If done with consistency, lifestyle changes by far
exceed anything that medication, hormones, or nutritional supple-
ments can do for chronic disease management.
We have been afraid to use the word “reverse” for the major
killers such as heart disease, diabetes, and obesity. This is wrong.
These diseases can be reversed with very low-cost, low-technolo-
gy approaches, and minimal medical resources—but you have to
be educated, you have to choose, you have to be committed, and you
have to act! Other chronic diseases—such as cancer, hyperten-
sion, stroke, bone loss, bone fractures, and degenerative eye and
brain disorders—can be dramatically reduced or delayed and, in
some cases, reversed as well.

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