Staying Healthy in the Fast Lane

(Nandana) #1
staying healthy in the fast lane

Real Healthcare Reform

There is intense debate about how to improve healthcare ef-
ficiency, cover all Americans, and put some real prevention into
our present disease-care model of healthcare. The problem I see is
too many compromises with industries and institutions that have
to be drastically changed if we are to be a truly healthy society. The
whole medical industrial complex has to be downsized, and the
pharmaceutical industry must become a second or third option
to medical treatment, not the primary approach. Industries that
produce unhealthy, highly processed foods and not whole, healthy
foods will have to become much smaller. I don’t want these chang-
es occurring from government mandate, but from smart and edu-
cated consumers. If we simply make good choices with the food
we eat and practice these 9 Simple Steps to Optimal Health, we will
change these industries and institutions literally overnight with-
out “firing a shot!” I envision educated consumers who understand
that what they put in their mouths, how they move their bodies, and
how they think are the most powerful medicines. If the government
does anything, I want them to disseminate good, credible health
information and give economic incentives to individuals, busi-
nesses, and industries that help us stay well and use fewer medical
services. Not pay more and more for disease care.
I hope you can see that through your understanding of the prob-
lem of disease care and chronic diseases, and living the lifestyle
practices it takes to prevent and reverse most of these conditions,
this is the greatest healthcare reform possible. Real healthcare re-
form is totally in your hands now that you are educated. Don’t
blame your government, doctor, employer, or your union. Look at
yourself in the mirror. That’s who is responsible for your health. You
have to get off your behind and go do it, and healthcare reform is a
moot issue!

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