Staying Healthy in the Fast Lane

(Nandana) #1
remember how we got here

Good Health is Achievable for You,
Our Country, the World

If I have imparted anything in this book, it is the belief that you
can improve your health—right now!—and that good health for
most everyone is not a mystery. It is harder to be a single mom of
three kids, start a new business, take care of an ailing or aging fam-
ily member or spouse, or figure out the stock market.
For almost all of us, plugging your body into the TRIAD Well-
ness Program’s 9 Simple Steps to Optimal Health (three phases,
with three steps to each phase) is a simple formula that is guaran-
teed to produce improved health. Good things will happen—and
they can happen very quickly!
My hope is that by now you believe you can live in a world
where people are healthy and all people are living their passion
and sharing their gifts with the world. The planet is big enough for
all of us. It’s simple, and it does get fun. I promise!

My Last Pitch

There are two bold sections of my “Life Purpose Statement”
that I truly wish for all of you:

“I, Kirkham Hamilton, use my energy and honesty to teach
and inspire the people of the world to be confidently healthy
and to joyfully encourage individuals to follow their life’s pas-
sions to the fullest, while they encourage others to do the same
in a spirit of peace, joy, respect, and cooperation between people,
animals, and the environment.”

My patients and those who see me speak sometimes don’t un-
derstand. I see them well. I can picture it clearly. I can see them
doing it. I know they can do it! I realize that sometimes my belief
in them is stronger than their belief in themselves. Sometimes my
enthusiasm and challenge to them can be misunderstood as cocky,
pushy, hard, not compassionate, or just plain overwhelming. But

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