Staying Healthy in the Fast Lane

(Nandana) #1
staying healthy in the fast lane

Types of Elimination Diets

  1. Basic Elimination Diet (BED). Eat off this list only (allows for
    all food groups except dairy). Eat unprocessed food only. Half
    your food intake or more is vegetables.

  2. BED food list minus beef, grains, and soy/tofu (allows for all
    food groups except dairy, beef, soy, and grains). Eat unpro-
    cessed food only. Half your food intake or more is vegetables.

  3. BED food list minus legumes and grains (allows for animal
    protein, nuts, seeds, vegetables, and fruit only). Eat unpro-
    cessed food only. Half your food intake or more is vegetables.

  4. BED food list minus animal protein, grains, nuts, and seeds
    (allows for beans/legumes, fruit, and vegetables only). “Bean
    & Green Diet.” Eat unprocessed food only. Half your food in-
    take or more is vegetables.

  5. BED food list minus animal protein, grains, beans/legumes,
    nuts, and seeds (allows for fruit and vegetables only). Eat
    unprocessed food only. Half your food intake or more is veg-
    etables. (Note: This food list is a maximal anti-inflammatory
    diet. Get clearance from your physician before beginning this
    restricted diet for one to four weeks.)

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