Staying Healthy in the Fast Lane

(Nandana) #1

Resources and Organizations

Age Wave (

  • Forward-thinking educational company on population aging
    and its profound business, social, healthcare, financial, work-
    force, and cultural implications.

Ani Phyo (

  • Delicious, simple, organic, and fast whole food recipes.

American College for Advancement in Medicine (

  • Physicians practicing nutrition and integrative medicine.

Celiac Disease Foundation (

  • Nonprofit providing services and support regarding celiac dis-
    ease and dermatitis herpetiformis.

Doctor’s Data Laboratory (

  • Specializing in the assessment, detection, prevention, and treat-
    ment of heavy metal burden, nutritional deficiencies, gastroin-
    testinal function, hepatic detoxification, metabolic abnormali-
    ties, and diseases of environmental origin.

Genova Diagnostics Laboratory (

  • Functional laboratory testing focused on wellness and preven-
    tion to identify problems before chronic conditions and diseas-
    es develop. Specializing in comprehensive panels that combine
    standard and innovative biomarkers to provide a more com-
    plete understanding of specific biological systems.

Grass Roots Health (

  • A public health promotion consortium of scientists, institutions,
    and individuals committed to solving the worldwide vitamin D
    deficiency epidemic.

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