Staying Healthy in the Fast Lane

(Nandana) #1

Recommended Reading

21-Day Weight Loss Kickstart: Boost Metabolism, Lower Cholesterol, and
Dramatically Improve Your Health by Neal Barnard, MD (2011).

Ani’s Raw Food Essentials by Ani Phyo (2010).

Beating the Food Giants by Paul Stitt (1982).

The Blue Zone: Lessons for Living Longer From the People Who’ve Lived
the Longest by Dan Buettner (2008).

Breaking the Food Seduction: The Hidden Reasons Behind Food
Cravings—and 7 Steps to End Them Naturally by Neal Barnard, MD

Breaking the Vicious Cycle: Intestinal Health Through Diet (The Autism
Connection) by Elaine Gottschall, BA, MSc (2004).

Building Bone Vitality: A Revolutionary Diet Plan to Prevent Bone Loss
and Reverse Osteoporosis—Without Dairy Foods, Calcium, Estrogen, or
Drugs by Amy Joy Lanou, PhD, and Michael Castleman (2009).

The China Study: Startling Implications for Diet, Weight Loss and Long-Term
Health by T. Colin Campbell, PhD, and Thomas M. Campbell, PhD (2006).

Diet For A New America: How Your Food Choices Affect Your Health,
Happiness, and the Future of Life on Earth by John Robbins (1987).

Doctor Neal Barnard’s Program for Reversing Diabetes: The
Scientifically Proven System For Reversing Diabetes Without Drugs by
Neal D. Barnard, MD (2007).

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