Staying Healthy in the Fast Lane

(Nandana) #1
staying healthy in the fast lane

Chapter 2
The American Lifestyle

  1. Ken Dychtwald, About Age Wave–A Visionary Company with Unparalleled
    Know-How About the Maturing Marketplace. Age Wave website. http:// (accessed Feb. 12, 2011).

  2. John Robbins, Healthy at 100. How You Can–at Any Age–Dramatically In-
    crease Your Life Span and Your Health Span (New York: Random House,
    2006), xv.

  3. John Robbins, Healthy at 100. How You Can–at Any Age–Dramatically In-
    crease Your Life Span and Your Health Span (New York: Random House,
    2006), xvii.

  4. Jiaquan Xu among others, “Deaths: Final Data for 2007.” National Vital
    Statistics Report. 58, no. 19 (May 20, 2010): 1, 5. Table B. Percentage of
    total deaths, death rates, age-adjusted death rates for 2007, percentage
    in age-adjusted death rates in 2007 from 2006, and ratio age-adjusted
    death rates by race and sex for the 15 leading causes of death for the total
    population in 2007: United States.
    nvsr58/nvsr58_19.pdf (accessed Feb. 12, 2011); The Power of Preven-
    tion Chronic Disease... The Public Health Challenge of the 21st Century,
    2009. Department of Health and Human Services – USA, National Center
    For Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, Centers for Disease
    Control: 1.
    vention.pdf (accessed Feb. 12, 2011).

  5. B. Swinburn among others, “Increased Food Energy Supply is More Than
    Sufficient to Explain the US Epidemic of Obesity.” Am J Clin Nutr. 90, no. 6
    (Dec 2009): 1453–6. 2009 Oct. 14.

  6. Jessica E. Todd and Lisa Mancino, “Eating Out Increases Daily Calorie
    Intake.” Amber Waves. (June 2010). United States Department of Agri-
    culture, Economic Research Service.
    Waves/June10/Findings/EatingOut.htm (accessed Feb. 12, 2011); An-
    nette Clauson, Food and Alcoholic Beverages: Total Expenditures. Briefing
    Rooms: Food CPI and Expenditures: Table 1. United States Department
    of Agriculture, Economic Research Service.
    htm (accessed Feb. 12, 2011).

  7. Jessica E. Todd among others, “The Impact of Food Away From Home on
    Adult Diet Quality.” ERS Summary Report. (February, 2010): 1. United
    States Department of Agriculture, Economic Research Service. http://
    (accessed Feb. 12, 2011).

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