Staying Healthy in the Fast Lane

(Nandana) #1
staying healthy in the fast lane

  1. Kirk Hamilton, “Heart Attack Proof! How to Prevent and Reverse Heart
    Disease.” Interview with Caldwell B. Esselstyn Jr MD. Staying Healthy Today
    Radio. Prescription2000 website. September 2, 2009. http://www.pre-
    esselstyn-heart-attack.html (accessed Feb. 13, 2011).

  2. Kirk Hamilton, “Heart Attack Proof! How to Prevent and Reverse Heart
    Disease.” Interview with Caldwell B. Esselstyn Jr MD. Staying Healthy Today
    Radio. Prescription2000 website. September 2, 2009. http://www.pre-
    esselstyn-heart-attack.html (accessed Feb. 13, 2011).

  3. Wolf Blitzer, Clinton’s Weight Loss Secret: Plants. Interview with Bill Clin-
    ton. CNN website. September 22, 2010.
    video/us/2010/09/21/intv.clinton.blitzer.weight.loss.cnn?hpt=C2 (ac-
    cessed Feb. 13, 2011).

  4. Stephen T. Sinatra and James C. Roberts, Reverse Heart Disease Now: Stop
    Deadly Cardiovascular Plaque Before It’s Too Late. (Hoboken, New Jersey:
    John Wiley & Sons Inc., 2007), 174–182; Kirk Hamilton, “Heart Disease
    Prevention and Reversal with the New Cardiology.” Interview with Ste-
    phen Sinatra MD. Staying Healthy Today Radio. Prescription2000 web-
    site. June 3, 2010.
    html (accessed Feb. 13, 2011).

  5. Kirk Hamilton, “Behavior Problems, Criminality and Food: The Undeni-
    able Connection.” Interview with Barbara Stitt PhD. Staying Healthy Today
    Radio. Prescription2000 website. May 30, 2009. http://www.prescrip-
    html (accessed Feb. 13, 2011); Barbara Stitt, Food and Behavior: A Natu-
    ral Connection. (Manitowoc, WI: Natural Press, 2004); Paul Stitt, Beating
    the Food Giants. (Manitowoc, WI: Natural Press, 1993).

  6. Sanjay Gupta MD, Interview with Bill Clinton. Real Clear Politics website.
    March 11, 2009.
    interview_with_bill_clinton.html (accessed Feb. 13, 2011).

  7. President Obama’s Fiscal 2010 Budget. Transforming and Modernizing
    America’s Health Care System: Investing in Prevention and Wellness. Office
    of Budget and Management.
    key_healthcare/ (accessed Feb. 13, 2011).

  8. The Power of Prevention: Chronic Disease... the Public Health Challenge
    of the 21st Century. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. http://
    /chronicdisease/pdf/2009-power-of-prevention.pdf (accessed Feb. 13,

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