Staying Healthy in the Fast Lane

(Nandana) #1

    icCareChartbook_FINAL.pdf (accessed Feb. 15, 2011) ; The Power of Pre-
    vention Chronic Disease... The Public Health Challenge of the 21st Century,
    2009 , Department of Health and Human Services – USA, National Center
    For Chronic Disease Prevention and Healthy Promotion, Centers for Dis-
    ease Control: 1.
    of-Prevention.pdf (accessed Feb. 12, 2011).

  2. Loren Cordain, “Cereal Grains: Humanity’s Double-Edge Sword.” World
    Rev Nutr Diet. 84 (1999):23-24; Kirk Hamilton, “The Paleolithic Diet – Pros
    and Cons in the 21st Century.” Interview with Loren Cordain PhD. Stay-
    ing Healthy Today Radio. Prescription2000 website. January 21, 2011.
    Interviews/2011-01-21-loren-cordain-paleo-diet.html; http://www.
    cordain-paleo-diet-transcript.pdf , pages 3, 8 (accessed Feb. 13, 2011).

  3. D.J. Jenkins among others, “A Dietary Portfolio Approach to Cholesterol
    Reduction: Combined Effects of Plant Sterols, Vegetable Proteins, and Vis-
    cous Fibers in Hypercholesterolemia.” Metabolism. 51, no. 12 (December
    2002): 1596–604; D.J. Jenkins among others, “Effects of a Dietary Port-
    folio of Cholesterol-Lowering Foods vs. Lovastatin on Serum Lipids and
    C-reactive Protein.” JAMA. 290, no. 4 (July 23, 2003): 502 –10; D.J. Jenkins
    among others, “Type 2 Diabetes and the Vegetarian Diet.” Am J Clin Nutr.
    78, 3 Suppl (September 2003): 610S–616S.

  4. Kirk Hamilton, “Diabetes Reversal with the Portfolio Diet.” Interview
    with David J.A. Jenkins MD PhD DSc. Staying Healthy Today Radio, Pre-
    scription2000 website. May 3, 2009, 8–9 (pdf transcript). http://www.
    kins_transcript.pdf ;
    with-dr-david-jenkins.html (accessed Feb. 13, 2011).

  5. Country Comparison: Population. The World Factbook. Central Intelli-
    gence Agency website.
    world-factbook/geos/ch.html (accessed Feb. 20, 2011).

  6. United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), National Agricultural
    Statistics Service (NASS). Poultry Slaughter 2009 Summary. February
    2010, Pou 2-1 (10), page 2.
    rent/PoulSlauSu/PoulSlauSu-02-25-2010.pdf (accessed Jan. 29, 2011).;
    United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), National Agricultural
    Statistics Service (NASS). Livestock Slaughter 2009 Summary. April 2010,
    Mt An 1-2 -1 (10), page 1.
    rent/LiveSlauSu/LiveSlauSu-04-29-2010.pdf (accessed Feb. 13, 2011).

  7. James H. O’Keefe Jr. and Loren Cordain, “Cardiovascular Disease Resulting
    From a Diet and Lifestyle at Odds with Our Paleolithic Genome: How to

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