Staying Healthy in the Fast Lane

(Nandana) #1
staying healthy in the fast lane

Become a 21st-Century Hunter-Gatherer.” Mayo Clin Proc. 79 (2004): 105. (ac-
cessed Feb. 13, 2011).

  1. Joel Fuhrman, Eat To Live: The Revolutionary Formula for Fast and Sus-
    tained Weight Loss. Revised Edition. (New York: Little, Brown and Com-
    pany, 2011), 71.

  2. Compiled with the assistance of the VegNews magazine staff. Compli-
    ments of Colleen Holland, associate publisher. VegNews, 3620 Wawona
    Street, San Francisco, CA 94116, 415-665-6397 / 415-665-6398 (FAX),

  3. Tony Gonzalez with Mitzi Dulan, The All-Pro Diet: Lose Fat, Build Muscle,
    and Live Like a Champion. (New York: Rodale Books, 2009), 40.

  4. Tony Gonzalez with Mitzi Dulan, The All-Pro Diet: Lose Fat, Build Muscle,
    and Live Like a Champion. (New York: Rodale Books, 2009).

Chapter 9
Double Trouble? Dairy and Grains

  1. A.J. Lanou, “Should Dairy be Recommended as Part of a Healthy Vegetar-
    ian Diet? Counterpoint.” Am J Clin Nutr. 89, no. 5 (May 2009): 1638S–39S.
    Epub 2009 Mar 25; D. Feskanich among others, “Milk, Dietary Calcium,
    and Bone Fractures In Women: A 12-Year Prospective Study.” Am J Public
    Health. 87, no. 6 (June 1997) :992-7; K. Michaëlsson among others, “Di-
    etary Calcium and Vitamin D Intake in Relation to Osteoporotic Fracture
    Risk.” Bone. 32, no. 6 (June 2003) :694-703; H.A Bischoff-Ferrari among
    others, “Calcium Intake and Hip Fracture Risk in Men and Women: A
    Meta-Analysis of Prospective Cohort Studies and Randomized Controlled
    Trials.” Am J Clin Nutr. 86, no. 6 (December 2007) :1780-90; J. A. Kanis
    among others, “A Meta-Analysis of Milk Intake and Fracture Risk: Low
    Utility for Case Finding.” Osteoporos Int. 16, no. 7 (July 2005): 799-804.
    Epub 2004 Oct 21.

  2. A.J. Lanou, “Should Dairy be Recommended as Part of a Healthy Vegetar-
    ian Diet? Counterpoint.” Am J Clin Nutr. 89, no. 5 (May 2009): 1638S. Epub
    2009 Mar 25.

  3. A.J. Lanou, “Should Dairy be Recommended as Part of a Healthy Vegetar-
    ian Diet? Counterpoint.” Am J Clin Nutr. 89, no. 5 (May 2009): 1639S. Epub
    2009 Mar 25; B.J. Abelow among others, “Cross-Cultural Association Be-
    tween Dietary Animal Protein and Hip Fracture: A Hypothesis.” Calcif
    Tissue Int. 50, no. 1 (January 1992): 14-8; N.A. Breslau among others,
    “Relationship of Animal Protein-Rich Diet to Kidney Stone Formation and
    Calcium Metabolism.” J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 66, no. 1 (January 1988):

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