Staying Healthy in the Fast Lane

(Nandana) #1

Appendix B
Anti-Inflammatory Diet Principles

  1. Jens Kjeldsen-Kragh among others, “Controlled Trial of Fasting and One
    Year Vegetarian Diet in Rheumatoid Arthritis.” Lancet. 338 (Oct. 12,
    1991): 899–902; I. Hafstrom among others, “A Vegan Diet Free of Gluten
    Improves the Signs and Symptoms of Rheumatoid Arthritis: The Effects
    on Arthritis Correlate With a Reduction in Antibodies to Food Antigens.”
    Rheumatology. 40 (2001): 1175–9.

  2. Joel Fuhrman, B. Sarter, and D.J. Calabro, “Brief Case Reports of Medically
    Supervised, Water–Only Fasting Associated With Remission of Autoim-
    mune Disease.” Alternative Therapies. 8, no. 4 (Jul.–Aug. 2002): 112, 140,
    111; O. Adam, “Anti-Inflammatory Diet and Rheumatic Diseases.” Europe-
    an Journal of Clinical Nutrition. 49 (1995): 703–17; O. Adam among oth-
    ers, “Anti-Inflammatory Effects of a Low Arachidonic Acid Diet and Fish
    Oil in Patients With Rheumatoid Arthritis.” Rheumatology International.
    23 (2003): 27–36; I. Hafstrom among others, “A Vegan Diet Free of Gluten
    Improves the Signs and Symptoms of Rheumatoid Arthritis: The Effects
    on Arthritis Correlate With a Reduction in Antibodies to Food Antigens.”
    Rheumatology. 40 (2001): 1175–9; Jens Kjeldsen-Kragh among others,
    “Controlled Trial of Fasting and One Year Vegetarian Diet in Rheuma-
    toid Arthritis.” Lancet. 338 (Oct. 12, 1991): 899–902; Chiaki Shigemitsu
    among others, “Effect of Vegetarian Diet on Systemic Lupus Erythemato-
    sus.” Lancet. 339 (May 9, 1992): 1177.

  3. Joel Fuhrman, B. Sarter, and D.J. Calabro, “Brief Case Reports of Medically Su-
    pervised, Water-Only Fasting Associated With Remission of Autoimmune Dis-
    ease.” Alternative Therapies. 8, no. 4 (Jul.–Aug. 2002): 112, 140, 111.

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