Staying Healthy in the Fast Lane

(Nandana) #1

9 Simple Steps to Optimal Health,
xv, 133, 135, 159, 185, 199
summarized, xv, 199

Abkhasians, 95
addictive substances, 101–114
adverse drug reactions (ADRs),
3, 59–61
aerobics, 113, 166–167
Aggregate Nutrient Density
Index (ANDI), 138
aging populations that are
healthy, 65. See also
Blue Zone cultures;
Okinawan elders
alcohol, 101–103
Allen, Marc, 189, 191–192
allergic load
defined, 120
environmental control, 121–123
seasonal allergies, 120–121
toxic metals, 125–126
development, 123–125
food (See food intolerance)
seasonal, 120–121
testing, 117–119
alternative medicine, 64–65
Anderson, James W., 43
free-range, 68
no reason to eat, 86–88
vs. plant food, 69–71
anti-inflammatory diet
components of, 206–207
fasting, 128–129, 207–209

principles, 205–206
antioxidants, 73–74, 150
Asian diet, 116
athletes, 85–86
autoimmune disorders, 206, 208

back pain, 179-182
Barnard, Neal, 43
Basic Elimination Diet (BED)
dairy, 89–90, 94
grains, 99
procedure, 118, 201–204
beans, 145–146
Beating the Food Giants, 157–158
biochemistry of the mind, 186
blood sugar, 109–114, 156
Blue Zone cultures, 34, 61, 68, 74–75
bran, 98

caffeine, 101, 103–106
calcium, 91–94
caloric density (CD)
defined, 139
reducing, 140–141
of snack foods, 141–142
calorie intake, 4, 6
Campbell, Colin T., 47, 54
dairy link, 93
incidence of, 25–27
insulin link, 110
risk reduction, 39–42
Canfield, Jack, 191
carbohydrates, 79–80, 110
cardiovascular disease


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