Staying Healthy in the Fast Lane

(Nandana) #1

energy drinks, 103
Esselstyn, Caldwell B., 47–49
Esselstyn, Rip, 34, 47
exercise. See also TRIAD
Exercise Program
aerobic, 113
benefits of, 39
children, 19, 52
frequency, 17

facial rinse, 122
fasting, 128–129, 207–209
fats consumption, 9
fiber, 96, 98, 140
fish, 87–88, 205
flaxseed oil, 149, 205
Fleming, Richard, 47
flexibility training
back exercises, 179–182
back pain prevention, 179-182
guidelines, 177–178
reasons for, 177
flour consumption, 11
food consumption, 5–6, 8–12,
food intolerance
testing, 117–119
vs. allergy, 116–117
wheat and dairy, 115–116
free-range animals, 68
fructose, 107–108, 145
concentrates, 145
consumption of, 39
selecting, 144–145
sugar content, 108
Fuhrman, Joel, 44, 138, 143, 156
fungal growth, 111

game, 68, 70
gassiness, 146
GEICO study, 34
germ, 98

glucose, 107–108, 112–113
gluten, 115
glycemic control, 49, 110–112
Gonzalez, Tony, 85–86
Gorilla Buff, 170–172
Gottschall, Elaine, 111
government subsidies, 4–5
grain consumption, 11, 68, 95, 98.
See also whole grains
The Greatest Secret of All, 189,
grocery shopping, 151–152
gross national product (GNP), 53
Gupta, Sanjay, 72

hara hachi bu, 143
headaches, 112–113
as a fun part-time job, 56–58
global, 23–30
health care reform, 53–54, 196
Health Equation, 138
Healthy at 100, 14, 61
heart disease
causes of, 28
incidence of, 25-26
reducing incidence of, 46
reversing, 47–50
high fructose corn syrup (HFCS),
hunter-gatherers, 67, 69–71
Hunzans, 95
hydrogenated oils, 149

imagery. See TRIAD Mind-Body
immune system, 123
indigenous diets, 68
inflammation, 20–22, 49
insulin, 109–110
International Association
of Hygienic Physicians, 208
intestinal permeability, 124–125

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