Staying Healthy in the Fast Lane

(Nandana) #1
staying healthy in the fast lane

Jenkins, David, 43, 77–78, 88
juices, 145

lactose intolerance, 93
Lanou, Amy Joy, 91–92
life purpose statement, 190–192
generally, 13–14
disease prevention, 53
enjoying health, 58–61
inflammation, 20–22
overweight, 15–19
urbanization, 3–7
low glycemic diet, 49
lupus erythematosus, 206

McDougall, John, 44
meat, 9, 151. See also animals
medical practice
economic incentives, 62–63
failure of, 63–64
medications, 59–61
melanoma, 40–41
mental fogginess, 112–113
mentality for staying healthy, 59
mind-body connection. See
TRIAD Mind-Body Program
monounsaturated fats, 70
Morrison, Lester, 47
musculoskeletal disorders, 25

Needleman, Herbert, 125
Nestle, Marion, 69
New York Coalition for Healthy
School Foods, 51
Nicoyans, 95
Nurses’ Health Study, 147
nuts, 83, 147–148

Obama, Barack, 53

obesity. See overweight
consumption, 9
flaxseed, 149, 205
hydrogenated, 149
olive, 149
O’Keefe, James H., 69–71
Okinawa Diet Caloric Density Pyramid,
Okinawan elders
diet, 72–74
grain consumption, 95
lifestyle, 173
satiety, 143
Western diet effects, 173–174
olive oil, 139, 149
omega-3 fatty acids, 70, 81,
87–88, 149, 151, 205–206
omega-6 fatty acids, 151, 205
One-Rule Diet, 75
organizations, 211–214
Ornish, Dean, 47, 49
children and teens, 18–19
controlling weight, 82–84
disease risk, 17
trends, 16

Paleolithic diet, 67, 69–71
PAM (Pan-Asian Mediterranean)
Diet, 49
Patent, Arnold M., 191
physical activity. See exercise
Physicians Health Study, 147
phytonutrients, 73–74
plant food
reasons for, 81
vs. animal, 69–71
popular diets, 79–80
preventive care vs. disease care,
preventive medicine, 64
Pritikin, Nathan, 47
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