Staying Healthy in the Fast Lane

(Nandana) #1

probiotics, 46, 111, 123–124
protein, 92, 96, 98

quiet time, 188

resources and organizations,
restaurants, 155
resveratrol, 102
rheumatoid arthritis, 206
Robbins, John, 14
Rolls, Barbara J., 142–143

sarcopenia, 174–175
Sardinians, 73, 92, 95
satiety, 142–143
school behavior, 51–52
school meal programs, 50–51
seeds, 147–148
Seventh Day Adventists, 95
simian diet, 67
9 Simple Steps to Optimal Health,
xv, 133, 135, 159, 185, 199
summarized, xv, 199
Sinatra, Stephen, 49
sinus flush, 122
skin as detoxification organ, 127
snacks, 113, 141–142, 156–157
soda. See caffeine
Specific Carbohydrate Diet (SCD),
sprouted grains, 148
St. Thomas Hospital Study, 48
Stitt, Barbara, 51–52
Stitt, Paul, 158
strength, 85–86
strength training
generally, 167–168
circuit training, 169–170
for the elderly, 172–174, 176–177
prevent sugar cravings, 113
sarcopenia, 174–175

strokes, 28
The Success Principles, 191
sucrose, 106–108
addictive, 101
brain and, 112–113
cravings, 113
glycemic control, 110–111
hormones and, 112
insulin resistance, 110
intestines and, 111
natural, 108–109
processed, 106–108
role of, 109–110
sunlight, 40–42
supplements, 59, 81, 114. See also
specific vitamins, etc.
sweetener consumption, 10

tea, 150. See also caffeine
teens, 18–19
thankfulness, 187
Thrifty Gene Hypothesis, 106
toxic metals, 125–126
trans-fatty acids, 38, 149
traveling and exercise, 164–165
TRIAD Diet Program
beans, 145–146
caloric density, 139–142
cravings, 156–157
eating out, 155
fruit, 144–145
grains, whole or sprouted, 148
grocery shopping, 151–152
guidelines, 135–136
meats, 151
nutrient density, 137–138
nuts and seeds, 147–148
oils, 149
pizza platter test, 136–137
stocking refrigerator and
cupboards, 153–155
teas, 150
vegetables, 144

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