Staying Healthy in the Fast Lane

(Nandana) #1
preventive care vs. disease care: changing the paradigm

the vast majority of you will be more healthy and more in control
of your own health.
No society can function efficiently in the long run with any
devised healthcare system if it has a predominantly disease care
model in which you let disease happen—especially the chronic dis-
eases mentioned here repeatedly—and then try to treat them with
pharmaceuticals and surgery as your main medical approaches.
Prevention and treatment by diet, exercise, and lifestyle have to be
the mainstays of any healthcare delivery system.
The U.S. healthcare model is absolutely backward. Until some
real incentive comes for keeping people well—or unless people
themselves see the light—things won’t change. Healthcare costs
will continue to spiral. There will be more drugs prescribed,
more disability and suffering, and more loss of national economic
Let’s get on with how to create the best health insurance we
can: a self-managed wellness lifestyle that will dramatically reduce
these chronic diseases and allow us to control our health destiny
if we choose to.

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