Staying Healthy in the Fast Lane

(Nandana) #1
the good news: chronic disease is preventable and reversible

think you must eat animal foods (optional, though not recom-
mended). This approach has been proven to normalize weight and
lower blood sugar and insulin levels. This unrefined, unprocessed
plant-based diet rich in vegetables, beans, fruit, nuts, and seeds,
and whole grains (unprocessed carbohydrates) that is very low in
fat, is the simplest way to reverse the diabetes epidemic. There-
fore, it is the diet of choice for type 2 diabetes.^25

Eradicating Type 2 Diabetes:
The Model for Chronic Disease Reversal?

Diabetes is the epitome of a Western lifestyle disease. It is
rapidly treatable with focused diet and lifestyle choices. Type 2
diabetes doesn’t need to exist. In fact, type 2 diabetes is rare in cul-
tures in which people eat their traditional, more agrarian, and/or
indigenous diets of simple, fresh, local whole foods that have low
glycemic indexes and are physically active as a result of manual
labor (and they are lean).

Diabetes (Type 2) Reversal Is Possible

Over the last several years, I have had the great privilege of
interviewing five of the world’s experts on using diet to prevent,
slow, and many times reverse diabetes:

  • Dr. James W. Anderson, Professor Emeritus, University of
    Kentucky, founder of the HCF (high carbohydrate, high fiber)
    diet for diabetes, who has been controlling, preventing, and
    reversing diabetes for more than thirty years and has pub-
    lished extensively.^26

  • Dr. David Jenkins, MD, PhD, DSc, founder of the famous Gly-
    cemic Index and Dietary Portfolio for dramatically lowering
    cholesterol and improving diabetes.^27

  • Neal Barnard, MD, author of Dr. Neal Barnard’s Program for
    Reversing Diabetes (2007) and leading investigator in a Na-
    tional Institute of Health study showing a low-fat, four-food

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