Staying Healthy in the Fast Lane

(Nandana) #1
staying healthy in the fast lane

group, vegan diet has greater benefit in treating diabetes
than the conventional ADA diet.^28

  • Dr. Joel Fuhrman, family physician and best-selling author
    and speaker (Eat To Live, 2011 , Eat For Health, 2008) famous
    for his concept of consuming the most nutrient-dense foods
    per calorie for weight control, chronic disease reversal (in-
    cluding diabetes), and optimal health.^29

  • Internist John McDougall, MD, best-selling author and speak-
    er who has been reversing chronic diseases, including dia-
    betes, with low-fat, starch-based diets for more than thirty
    years. Dr. McDougall is the medical director and founder of
    the renowned Dr. McDougall’s Health and Medical Center
    and the McDougall Program, a ten-day residential program
    in Santa Rosa, California.^30

After spending hours interviewing these five experts and look-
ing at the scientific data, as well as my own patient care experience,
I can say unequivocally that most type 2 diabetics could reverse
their condition or improve it dramatically if they normalized their
weight, became physically active, and ate a predominantly whole-
food, unrefined, low-fat, micronutrient-rich, plant-based diet with
no or minimal animal foods.
If we just took this one chronic disease and followed these
physicians’ collective advice, which is very similar, we would wipe
out this needless diabetes epidemic. With it would go the world’s
number one killer (heart disease), as well as obesity, and there
would also be a significant reduction in cancer with these same
lifestyle changes.
This would be real and lasting healthcare reform. No govern-
ment and corporate “smoke and mirrors” is needed to accomplish
this goal. Just an educated and committed you and me. Yes, it is
that simple!
The goal of worldwide diabetes (type 2) eradication is a great
place to start really changing the world’s health. It can be done.
First, we have to believe it and envision it; the science and know-
how are there. Now we just have to do it.

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