Staying Healthy in the Fast Lane

(Nandana) #1
staying healthy in the fast lane

If you stand around and dance one out of every three or four songs,
you are “wasting” 50 to 75 percent of the time that could be spent
moving to improve or maintain your health.
That is why I try to dance constantly for the time I have to
dance, and I add a little extra aerobics to keep up my cardiovas-
cular health. I am always thinking about how to make an activity
really benefit my health while at the same time enjoying it. I only
have so much time. I might dance thirty to forty dances in a two-
hour period, whereas someone else might dance five or ten times
in that same two-hour period. I don’t have time to waste!
I have also learned to enjoy eating healthy food. While I am
not a purist, it’s enjoyable and fun for me to eat an unprocessed,
whole-food, plant-rich diet. It can be just as fun to learn how to be
creative and cook delicious, wholesome foods as it is to cook high-
calorie and processed foods. The same goes for eating out. Good,
healthy food can be found just about anywhere.

The Bottom Line: Enjoy Your Healthy Lifestyle

We all have to spend time attending to our health. If you can
build a healthy lifestyle that you enjoy, then you are many giant
steps ahead of those whose time commitment to their health is
spent in suffering and frustration.
Simple health habits, when part of your “fun” lifestyle, prac-
ticed daily and consistently, will provide you with incredible
health in the long run. Would you rather live life to the fullest or
stop doing things you love in order to go visit the doctor and spend
extra money on medication, office visits, tests, and procedures that
are anything but pleasant? I don’t care if your health insurance or
the government pays for your visits, medications, or procedures 100
percent! It’s still not fun to spend the time and energy doing these
things, not to mention not feeling well. Either way, taking care of
your health is eventually going to become a part-time job. It’s up to
you whether you want it to be fun and life-enhancing or miserable
and all about inconvenience and suffering. If you choose fun—and
I bet you will—then keep reading and I will show you how.

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