Staying Healthy in the Fast Lane

(Nandana) #1
expect good health!

might be life threatening, especially with more combinations of
I have no doubt that, when you have a long list of medications,
some of the newer medications are given to you to treat some of
the side effects of the older medications, not to mention the nutri-
tional deficiencies that many of these medications cause. Remem-
ber that someone has to fulfill the statistics of ADRs being among
the top ten leading causes of death in the United States. Don’t let
it be you! Have the mentality of changing your lifestyle so you can
get off the medications.

Normal Is Being Healthy, Not Being Sick

Americans in general are so used to seeing unhealthy people they
think being unhealthy with the chronic diseases mentioned previ-
ously is normal. It is not! The normal human condition is to be fit,
lean, energetic, and active.
When you read about healthy aging “Blue Zone” cultures like
the Okinawan centenarians, Nicoyans in Costa Rica, Sardinians
in Italy, and Ikarians in Greece, they don’t have concepts of rest
homes and chronic disease. They envision themselves using a ma-
chete at one hundred to cut the grass, teach karate at ninety-plus
years of age, ride a bicycle up and down hills, or herd their sheep
into their eighties.
We really need to grasp and visualize that the “normal” state
of humans is not being sick, being on multiple medications, and
visiting doctors frequently. It’s just the opposite. If you don’t have
this vision of health, it isn’t going to happen. Visualize your optimal
state of health daily, which just happens to be the ninth Simple Step
to Optimal Health!
There are three easy to read books that I highly recommend on
healthy living and aging that should be must reads for all Americans
to create real healthcare reform and vibrant health: The Blue Zone
(2008), The Okinawa Program (2001), and Healthy at 100 (2007).

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