Staying Healthy in the Fast Lane

(Nandana) #1
staying healthy principles

less-invasive, science-based natural therapies. The industry can’t
get wrapped up in money-making products or modalities, or we
are just the same as the pharmaceutical industry, pushing to sell
more products to treat disease instead of preventing disease. The
emphasis has to be on prevention by living healthy lifestyles, not
by depending on new, amazing natural products. That is what the
TRIAD Wellness Program is about.

Busting the “Spoke Busters”:
The TRIAD Wellness Program

The integration of what kind of fuel we ingest (diet), how we
move our bodies (exercise), and how we think about our lives and
health (mind-body) makes up the essence of the TRIAD Wellness
Program approach and the 9 Simple Steps to Optimal Health I have
mentioned. The goal is to tighten the basic spokes gently but con-
sistently every day of our lives so that our wheel of health turns
smoothly. Or, if we get a busted spoke, we repair it quickly, and
since the other spokes are all in check, we get well faster and with
less expense and loss of function and pain.
Truly healthy aging populations naturally live the TRIAD Well-
ness approach:

  • They eat whole, unprocessed foods that are available to them,
    they eat lots of unrefined, fresh plant foods, and they don’t
    consume excess calories.

  • Animal foods are generally used sparingly in addition to in-
    digenous plant foods. They are not the main part of the diet.

  • They practice under-eating (diet).

  • They move every day using a mixture of aerobic-type move-
    ment along with natural strength and flexibility exercise (ex-
    ercise). We would call it “cross-training.”

  • They have a deep sense and vision of their daily purpose and
    their place in the universe, and they roll with life’s ups and
    downs (mind-body). They have strong social bonds.

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