Synthetic Inorganic Chemistry

(John Hannent) #1

laid upon the excellence of the product rather than upon its
Experiments. The second part of each of the nine chapters,
of which the preparations comprise the first part, is devoted to
short experiments. Not only are the directions for these experi-
ments given, but the results to be observed are stated, and the
meaning of the results is discussed. Thus this experimental part
may be studied, and the experiments may or may not be actually
performed, according to the discretion of the student, or the ad-
vice of the instructor. The study of this part should be made by
every student as a preparation for the Report which he is expected
to write on the chemistry of the elements dealt with in the chap-
General Questions. These questions which appear at the end
of each of the nine chapters are to serve as the basis of the written
report referred to in the preceding paragraph.
Number of Preparations. A certain number of the prepara-
tions will be designated each term as " required," which means
that they will be discussed in detail in the class room and that
detailed knowledge of them will be assumed when examination
questions are made out. Besides the required preparations,
students will be able to make a number of others of their own
selection — this selection of course being subject to the instruc-
tor's approval.

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