Synthetic Inorganic Chemistry

(John Hannent) #1


to produce the maximum precipitate and again the amount
necessary to redissolve the precipitate.
Repeat using 2 cc. of IN Pb(NO 3 ) 2 instead of SnCl 2 and
note that a very much larger volume of the NaOH is necessary
to redissolve the precipitate.

Pb(OH) 2 is much more basic than Sn(OH) 2 ; it is correspond-
ingly more weakly acidic, as is shown by the greater excess of base
required to convert it to the soluble salt.

H 2 Sn0 2 + 2Na0H -» Na 2 Sn0 2 + 2H 2 O
H 2 Pb0 2 + 2Na0H -»• Na 2 Pb0 2 + 2H 2 O

Sodium stannite and sodium plumbite both hydrolyze easily but
the latter much more so, consequently the greater amount of base
to overcome its tendency to hydrolyze.

  1. Stannic Acid. Heat 0.5 gram of tin in a casserole with
    a little 16 N HN0 3. Note that red gases are evolved, that
    the metal disintegrates, and that a white powder insoluble
    in the nitric acid, and later insoluble in water, is formed.

Concentrated nitric acid oxidizes tin to the dioxide which, in a
hydrated form, usually called meta-stannic acid (approximately
H 2 Sn0 3 ), is left as the white insoluble residue.

  1. Thio-Salts of Tin. Perform Experiment 1 under
    Preparation 43. Stannous sulphide does not dissolve in
    Na 2 S solution. Addition of sulphur causes it to dissolve.
    Addition of HC1 to the solution produces a yellow precipitate
    and an evolution of hydrogen sulphide.

Sulphur and oxygen are interchangeable in sulphides and oxides.
Metal oxides (basic) and non-metal oxides (acidic) combine to
form salts. Likewise metal sulphides may combine with sulphides
of weakly metallic or non-metallic elements to form salts, the so-
called thio-salts, or sulpho-salts. Thio-salts of a few of the ele-
ments, notably tin, are very well denned. Stannous sulphide does
not form a thio-salt; but addition of sulphur converts it to stannic
sulphide which does form a soluble thio-salt with the sulphide of
an alkali metal.

Na 2 S + SnS 2 -»• Na 2 SnS 3
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