Roman numerals indicate reagents required for experiments in the text of
that chapter. Reagents required for experiments in questions at the end of a
preparation are indicated by the letter Q and number of the preparation.
Reagents used in a preparation are designated by the letter P and number of
the preparation.
Aluminum metal, turnings II
Aluminum carbide IX
Ammonium chloride Q. 53, V
Antimony metal, powdered X
Arsenic metal, powdered X
Arsenious oxide Q. 55
Asbestos fibre V, IX
Barium peroxide IV
Bismuth metal, powdered X
Bismuth dioxide X
Bismuth trioxide III, X
Bleaching powder VIII, IX
Calcium metal, turnings II
Calcium carbide IX
Calcium carbonate, lump V, IX
Calcium carbonate, powder III
Calcium chloride II
Calcium hydroxide V
Calcium oxide II
Cobalt carbonate XI
Carbon, decolorizing
Carbon, granulated charcoal II, IX
Copper metal, wire III
Copper metal, turnings VIII
Copper basic carbonate VII
Copper oxide, powder IV
Copper sulphate Q. 3, III, VII
Cotton wool E. 4, IV
Cotton cloth, colored VIII
Dextrose X
Glass, broken P. 8
Glass wool P. 7, 8
Iodine IV
Iron metal, wire III Q. 73
Ferric ammonium alum XI
Ferric chloride II, III
Ferric oxide XI
Ferrous ammonium sulphate Q. 73
Ferrous sulphide for H 2 S generator
IV, VIII, X, P. 70
Lead dioxide IV, IX
Lead monoxide IV, IX
Lead nitrate Q. 47, IX
Litmus paper, blue
Litmus paper, red
Magnesium metal, powder IV
Magnesium metal, ribbon II, IV, V,
Magnesium carbonate V
Manganese carbonate P. 70
Manganese dioxide, powder IV, XI
Nickel carbonate XI
Phosphorus, red II, X
Porcelain chips, unglazed E. 5, P. 56
Potassium carbonate IX
Potassium chlorate III, VIII
Potassium dichromate IV
Potassium hydroxide II, III
Potassium iodate VIII
Potassium iodide IV, VIII
Potassium nitrate IV, XI
Potassium permanganate IV, VIII
Potassium sulphate Q. 3
Silicon dioxide, precipitated IX
Silicon dioxide, coarse sand P. 66, 67
Silicon dioxide, fine sand P. 8, 43
Sodium bicarbonate P. 55
Sodium bromide IV
Sodium carbonate, anhydrous III, IX,
Sodium carbonate, crystal II
Sodium chlorate III
Sodium chloride III
Sodium hydroxide II, III, IV