(^382) INDEX
Carbon monoxide, reactions, 290.
Carbonates, formation of, 236, 296.
Carbonates, stability of, 202,236,345.
Ceric oxide, 283.
Cerous chloride, 286.
Cerous oxalate, 284.
Charles' law, 41.
Chlorates, reactions of, 257.
Chloride ions, reactions of, 90.
Chlorine, reactions of, 164.
Chlorine and water, 70.
Chlorine generator, 274.
Chromates, reactions of, 350.
Chromic alum, 328.
Chromic anhydride, 324.
Chromium metal by the Gold-
schmidt process, 332.
Combining volumes, Law of, 45.
Combining weights, Law of, 37.
Complex ions, 118, 238.
Concentration of reagents, 352.
Copper ions, reactions of, 91.
Copper oxide, 137.
Copper sulphate, 220.
Coulometer, copper, 185.
Crystallization, 4, 13.
Cuprous chloride, 222.
Cuprous oxide, 225.
Cyanides, complex, 120.
Dalton's atomic theory, 37.
Dalton's law, 42.
Decantation, 10.
Definite proportions, Law of, 36.
Deliquescence, 65.
Dichromate, reactions of, 350.
Dioxides, reactions of, 162.
Disodium phosphate, 301.
Dry reactions, 17.
Drying, 15.
Dumas' method for molecular
weights, 33.
Efflorescence, 64.
Electrical conductivity, 83.
Electrolytes, 85.
Electromotive series, 92,121,171,353.
Electrons, 354.
Electron shells, 358.
Electrostatic attraction and repul-
sion, 357.
Elements, reactions with water, 65.
Equilibrium, in ionization, 103.
Equivalent weights, 74.
Evaporation, 11.
Faraday's law, 123, 124, 185.
Ferric ammonium alum, 342.
Ferric ions, reactions of, 91.
Ferrous ammonium sulphate, 342.
Ferrous ions, reactions of, 91.
Filtering, 5.
Formal solution, definition of, 74.
Formula, derivation of a, 49.
Formula weight, definition of, 74.
Formula weight method in chemical
arithmetic, 79.
Freezing point, lowering of, 94.
Furnaces, 17.
Gas generators, 18.
Gas generators, automatic, 20.
Gases, measurement of, 40.
Gay-Lussac's law, 45.
Goldschmidt process, 332, 341.
Gram molecular volume, 47.
Gram molecular weight, 47.
Gypsum, water of hydration in, 63.
Halide ions, tests for, 170.
Halogen acids, reactions of, 166.
Halogens, reactions of, 163.
Hydrate, composition of a crystal, 63.
Hydrates, 63.
Hydration, water of, 63.
Hydrobromic acid, 144.
Hydrobromic acid, composition of
solutions, 371.
•"Hydrochloric acid, 142.
john hannent
(John Hannent)