(^384) INDEX
Nitrides, reactions of, 177.
Nitrogen, 176.
Nitrous acid, reactions of, 263.
Non-electrolytes, 85.
Non-polar valence, 362.
Normal solution, 75.
Nucleus atomic, 354, 356.
Orthoboric acid, 208.
Ortho phosphoric acid, 298.
Osmotic pressure, 83, 96.
Oxidation in alkaline fusion, 348.
Oxidation products of the metals, 315.
Oxidation-reduction reactions, 121,
165, 263.
Oxides, metallic, 71, 112, 158.
Oxides, non-metal and water, 72.
Oxy-acids, 242.
Oxygen, weight of a liter of, 25.
Oxygen and hydrogen, combining
ratio, 30.
Oxygen and zinc, combining ratio, 24.
Oxygen generator, 18.
pH scale, 132.
pH, control of, 134.
Periodic classification of the ele-
ments, 354.
Periodic classification, Table, 355.
Permanganate, reactions of, 349.
Peroxides, reactions of, 160.
Phosphoric acid, ortho, 298.
Phosphorous acid, 317.
Phosphorous acid, test for, 300.
Phosphorus, oxidation of, 315.
Phosphorus, tribromide, 303.
Polar valence, 359.
Potassium and copper sulphate, 62.
Potassium bromate, 243.
Potassium bromide, 243.
Potassium chlorate, 246.
Potassium chlorate, reactions, 258.
Potassium chromate, 321.
Potassium dichromate, 321.
Potassium iodate, 248.
Potassium nitrate, 52.
Potassium perchlorate, 251.
Potassium permanganate, 338.
Pouring, 4.
Precipitation, 4.
Precipitation reactions, 106.
Proportions, Law of definite, 36.
Proportions, Law of multiple, 36.
Pulverizing, 16.
Radioactive disintegration, 356.
Reagents, concentration of, 352.
Reduction-oxidation reactions, 121,
165, 263.
Salt, sea, composition of, 190.
Salts, hydrolysis of, 92, 115, 237,292.
Salts, ionization of solutions of, 88.
Selenious acid, 335.
Silica, precipitated, 266.
Silicic acid, 291.
•Silicon dioxide, 266.
Silicon dioxide reactions, 291.
Silver ions, reactions of, 91.
Silver oxide, basic-strength of, 237.
Sodium and water, 66.
Sodium bicarbonate, by the Solvay
process, 179.
Sodium carbonate, crystalline, 58.
Sodium carbonate by the Solvay
process, 179.
Sodium chloride chemically pure, 189.
Sodium hydroxide by the causticiz-
ing reaction, 183.
Sodium hydroxide by electrolysis,185.
Sodium oxide and water, 71.
Sodium perborate, 210.
Sodium phosphate, 301.
Sodium sulphantimonate, 310.
Sodium thiosulphate, 252.
Solubilities, tables of, 364.
Solubility product, 93, 131.
Solutions, concentration of, 74.
Solutions, standardization of, 76.
Solvay process, 179.
Specific gravity, 79.
john hannent
(John Hannent)