Synthetic Inorganic Chemistry

(John Hannent) #1

distilled water until, when they are immersed for 10 seconds or
more, no sign of a glow is seen in the lamp filament. To illustrate
the necessity for this precaution, first immerse the electrodes in
hydrochloric acid solution, then, without rinsing, immerse them in
a vial of pure water; the lamp will glow very distinctly.
0 0 Q P
*- Copper
FIG. 17

  1. Electrical Conductivity, (a) Pure Substances. Note that
    the lamp does not glow when air fills the space between the elec-
    trodes. Then raise successively between electrodes B distilled
    water, alcohol, pure acetic acid (labeled "glacial acetic acid"),
    and place in contact with electrodes A lumps of any two dry
    salts found in the laboratory, for example, common salt, NaCl,
    and blue vitriol, CuSO 4 -5H 2 O.
    What general statement can be made about the conductivity
    of pure non-metallic substances, gaseous, liquid, or solid?

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