Start Where You Are

(Dana P.) #1
7 Bringing All That We Meet to the Path


oday’s slogan is“When the world is filled
with evil, / Transform all mishaps into the path
of bodhi.” The word bodhimeans “enlightenment.”
This is the basic statement of lojong altogether: how
to use the unwanted, unfavorable circumstances of
your life as the actual material of awakening. This is
the precious gift of the lojong teachings, that what-
ever occurs isn’t considered an interruption or an ob-
stacle but a way to wake up. This slogan is very well
suited to our busy lives and difficult times. In fact,
it’s designed for that: if there were no difficulties,
there would be no need for lojong or tonglen.
Bodhisattva is another word for the awakening war-
rior, the one who cultivates bravery and compassion.
One point this slogan is making is that on the path of
the warrior, or bodhisattva, there is no interruption.
The path includes all experience, both serene and
chaotic. When things are going well, we feel good.
We delight in the beauty of the snow falling outside
the windows or the light reflecting off the floor.
There’s some sense of appreciation. But when the

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