
(singke) #1
See the epic power of nature p40
Forces deep beneath Earth’s surface have
conjured up extraordinary sights above
Dance like no one’s looking p42
Local moves, from tango to Texas two-step
Take the sleeper train p43
Long-distance journeys of a lifetime
Retrace the steps of history p44
Past glories and dramas relived through
the soles of your hiking boots
Experiencecultureshock p46
In thedeepend,as a teacherin China
Swim wild p48
No chlorine, no lane ropes, no worries
Do look down p49
Vertigo be damned – the view is worth it
Meet the planet’s giants p50
Braving Canada’s polar bear capital
Go on a solo adventure p52
If yourwalkingcompaniondropsout,find
thesingularappealof Mallorca’strails
Eat and drink local p58
Arbroath, Cromer, the Balti Triangle – see
the places that make the country’s menus

Embracetheoff-season p60
It’snotjusta routeto smallercrowdsand
lowerprices,butbringsjoysof its own
Godark p64
Switchingofffullyto seethestars
Playonthepier p65
Theclassicwayto bebesidetheseaside
Avoidtheobvious p66
Portugal’ssecondcityis nowa short-break
favourite– findnoveltyin Porto’soutskirts
Escape civilisation p70
Even in one of Europe’s most urbanised
countries, you can still find wild places
Change your identity p72
Big questions on a trip to the Sahara
Find your supper p74
Rambles in search of forest berries,
mountain herbs and the elusive truffle
Spend the night in the jungle p76
Be not afeared, the woods are full of noises

  • it might be a big cat, but it probably isn’t
    Find your tribe in a foreign city p78
    The hidden ways in for anyone new and
    adrift in a distant metropolis

Witness a swarm p82
a powerto themovementof multitudes
Cast adrift p84
Making wakes on canals and lakes
Find peace among trees p85
Forest surroundings to retune the senses
Retrace your roots p86
One family’s tumultuous past lays a
surprising path to a Greek island’s heart
Travelonhorseback p92
SouthAfricafroma sturdyvantagepoint
Get your heart thumping p94
Step into a film set p96
Let location scouts be your guide
Be a kid again p99
Experiences to peel off the grown-up shell
Be yourself p10 0
Theliberatingeffectsof Russiantrains


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