Higher Engineering Mathematics, Sixth Edition

(Nancy Kaufman) #1

Numerical methods for first order differential equations 463

This step by step Euler’s method can be continued
and it is easiest to list the results in a table, as shown
in Table 49.1. The results for lines 1 to 3 have been
produced above.

Table 49.1
x 0 y 0 (y′) 0

  1. 1 4 2

  2. 1.2 4.4 2.2

  3. 1.4 4.84 2.36

  4. 1.6 5.312 2.488

  5. 1.8 5.8096 2.5904

  6. 2.0 6.32768

For line 4,wherex 0 = 1 .6:

y 1 =y 0 +h(y′) 0

= 4. 84 +( 0. 2 )( 2. 36 )=5.312

and (y′) 0 = 3 ( 1 + 1. 6 )− 5. 312 =2.488

For line 5,wherex 0 = 1 .8:

y 1 =y 0 +h(y′) 0

= 5. 312 +( 0. 2 )( 2. 488 )=5.8096

and (y′) 0 = 3 ( 1 + 1. 8 )− 5. 8096 =2.5904

For line 6,wherex 0 = 2 .0:

y 1 =y 0 +h(y′) 0

= 5. 8096 +( 0. 2 )( 2. 5904 )


(As the range is 1.0 to 2.0 there is no need to calculate
(y′) 0 in line 6). The particular solution is given by the
value ofyagainstx.

A graph of the solution of


= 3 ( 1 +x)−ywith initial

conditionsx=1andy=4 is shown in Fig. 49.6.
In practice it is probably best to plot the graph as
each calculation is made, which checks that there is a
smooth progression and that no calculation errors have





1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0

Figure 49.6

Problem 2. Use Euler’s method to obtain a
numerical solution of the differential equation
+y= 2 x, given the initial conditions that at
x=0,y=1, for the rangex= 0 ( 0. 2 ) 1 .0. Draw the
graph of the solution in this range.

x= 0 ( 0. 2 ) 1 .0 means thatxranges from 0 to 1.0 in equal
intervals of 0.2 (i.e.h= 0 .2 in Euler’s method).

+y= 2 x,



= 2 x−y, i.e.y′= 2 x−y

If initiallyx 0 =0andy 0 =1, then
(y′) 0 = 2 ( 0 )− 1 =− 1.
Hence line 1 in Table 49.2 can be completed with
x= 0 ,y=1andy′( 0 )=−1.

Table 49.2
x 0 y 0 (y′) 0

  1. 0 1 − 1

  2. 0.2 0.8 −0.4

  3. 0.4 0.72 0.08

  4. 0.6 0.736 0.464

  5. 0.8 0.8288 0.7712

  6. 1.0 0.98304

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