Higher Engineering Mathematics, Sixth Edition

(Nancy Kaufman) #1

The binomial and Poisson distributions 559

Now try the following exercise

Exercise 213 Further problems on the
binomial distribution

  1. Concrete blocks are tested and it is found
    that, on average, 7% fail to meet the required
    specification. For a batch of 9blocks, deter-
    mine theprobabilitiesthat (a) three blocks and
    (b) less than four blocks will fail to meet the
    specification. [(a) 0.0186 (b) 0.9976]

  2. If the failure rate of the blocks in Problem 1
    rises to 15%, find the probabilities that (a) no
    blocks and (b) more than two blocks will fail
    to meet the specification in a batch of 9blocks.
    [(a) 0.2316 (b) 0.1408]

  3. The average number of employees absent
    from a firm each day is 4%. An office within
    the firm has seven employees. Determine the
    employees will be absent on a particular day.
    [(a) 0.7514 (b) 0.0019]

  4. Amanufacturerestimatesthat 3%ofhisoutput
    of a small item is defective. Find the proba-
    bilities that in a sample of 10 items (a) less
    than two and (b) more than two items will be
    defective. [(a) 0.9655 (b) 0.0028]

  5. Five coins are tossed simultaneously. Deter-
    mine the probabilities of having 0, 1, 2, 3, 4
    and 5 heads upwards, and draw a histogram
    depicting the results.

Vertical adjacent rectangles,
whose heights are proportional to
0.0313, 0.1563, 0.3125, 0.3125,
0.1563 and 0.0313

  1. If the probability of rain falling during a par-
    ticular period is 2/5, find the probabilities of
    having 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 wet days in a
    week. Show these results on a histogram.
    ⎡ ⎢ ⎢ ⎢ ⎢ ⎢ ⎣
    Vertical adjacent rectangles,
    whose heights are proportional
    to 0.0280, 0.1306, 0.2613,
    0.2903, 0.1935, 0.0774,
    0.0172 and 0.0016

⎤ ⎥ ⎥ ⎥ ⎥ ⎥ ⎦

  1. An automatic machine produces, on aver-
    age, 10% of its components outside of the

tolerance required. In a sample of 10 compo-
nents from this machine, determine the prob-
ability of having three components outside of
the tolerance required by assuming a binomial
distribution. [0.0574]

57.2 The Poissondistribution

When the number of trials,n, in a binomial distribution
becomes large (usually taken as larger than 10), the cal-
culations associated with determining the values of the
terms becomes laborious. Ifnis large andpis small,
and the productnpis less than 5, a very good approx-
imation to a binomial distribution is given by the cor-
responding Poisson distribution, in which calculations
are usually simpler.
The Poissonapproximationto a binomial distribution

‘the probabilities that an event will happen 0, 1, 2,
3,...,ntimes inntrials are given by the successive
terms of the expression


1 +λ+






taken from left to right’.

The symbolλis the expectation of an event happening
and is equal tonp.

Problem 6. If 3% of the gearwheels produced
by a company are defective, determine the
probabilities that in a sample of 80 gearwheels
(a) two and (b) more than two will be defective.

The sample number,n, is large, the probability of a
defective gearwheel,p, is small and the productnpis
80 × 0 .03, i.e. 2.4, which is less than 5.
Hence a Poisson approximation to a binomial dis-
tribution may be used. The expectation of a defective
gearwheel,λ=np= 2. 4
The probabilities of 0, 1 , 2 ,...defective gearwheels
are given by the successive terms of the expression


1 +λ+





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