Higher Engineering Mathematics, Sixth Edition

(Nancy Kaufman) #1

Chapter 58

The normal distribution

58.1 Introduction to the normal


When data is obtained, it can frequently be considered
to be a sample (i.e. a few members) drawn at random
from a large population (i.e. a set having many mem-
bers). If the sample number is large, it is theoretically
possible to choose class intervals which are very small,
but which stillhave a number of members fallingwithin
each class. A frequency polygon of this data then has a
large number of small line segments and approximates
or a distribution curve.
An extremely important symmetrical distributioncurve
is called thenormal curveand is as shown in Fig. 58.1.
This curve can be described by a mathematical equa-
tion and is the basis of much of the work done in more
advanced statistics. Many natural occurrences such as
the heights or weights of a group of people, the sizes
of components produced by a particular machine and
the life length of certain components approximate to a
normal distribution.



Figure 58.1

Normal distribution curves can differ from one another
in the following four ways:

(a) by having different mean values

(b) by having different values of standard deviations

(c) the variables having different values and different
units and
(d) by having different areas between the curve and
the horizontal axis.

A normal distribution curve isstandardizedas fol-
(a) The mean value of the unstandardized curve is
made the origin, thus making the mean value,
x, zero.
(b) The horizontal axis is scaled in standard devia-
tions. This is done by lettingz=


zis called thenormal standard variate,xis the
value of the variable,xis the mean value of the
distribution andσis the standard deviation of the
(c) The area between the normal curve and the hori-
zontal axis is made equal to unity.
When a normal distribution curve has been standard-
ized, the normal curve is called astandardized normal
curveor anormal probability curve, and any normally
distributed data may be represented by thesamenormal
probability curve.
The area under part of a normal probability curve is
directly proportional to probability and the value of the
shaded area shown in Fig. 58.2 can be determined by


( 2 π)




dz, wherez=


To save repeatedly determining the values of this func-
tion, tables of partial areas under the standardized nor-
mal curve are available in many mathematical formulae
books, and such a table is shown in Table 58.1, on
page 564.
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