Higher Engineering Mathematics, Sixth Edition

(Nancy Kaufman) #1

The normal distribution 565


2 0.56 0

2 0.56



Figure 58.4

betweenz=0,z= 2 .67 and the standardized normal
curve is 0.4962, shown shaded in Fig. 58.5(a). Since
the standardized normal curve is symmetrical, the total
area to therightof thez=0 ordinateis 0.5000, hence the
shaded area shown in Fig. 58.5(b) is 0. 5000 − 0 .4962,
i.e. 0.0038. This area represents the probabilityof a per-
son having a height of more than 194cm, and for 500
people, the number of people likely to have a height of
more than 194cm is 0. 0038 ×500, i.e.2people.

0 z-value



0 2.67

Figure 58.5

Problem 4. A batch of 1500 lemonade bottles
have an average contents of 753ml and the standard
deviation of the contents is 1.8ml. If the volumes of
the contents are normally distributed, find

(a) the number of bottles likely to contain less
than 750ml,
(b) the number of bottles likely to contain
between 751 and 754ml,
(c) the number of bottles likely to contain more
than 757ml, and
(d) the number of bottles likely to contain
between 750 and 751ml.

(a) Thez-value corresponding to 750ml is given



750 − 753
1. 8

=− 1 .67 standard devi-
ations. From Table 58.1, the area betweenz= 0
andz=− 1 .67 is 0.4525. Thus the area to the
left of thez=− 1 .67 ordinate is 0. 5000 − 0. 4525
(see Problem 2), i.e. 0.0475. This is the prob-
ability of a bottle containing less than 750ml.
Thus, for a batch of 1500 bottles, it is likely that
1500 × 0 .0475, i.e.71 bottles will contain less
than 750ml.

(b) The z-value corresponding to 751 and 754ml

751 − 753
1. 8


754 − 753
1. 8

i.e. −1.11 and
0.56 respectively. From Table 58.1, the areas
corresponding to these values are 0.3665 and
0.2123 respectively. Thus the probability of a
bottle containing between 751 and 754ml is
0. 3665 + 0 .2123 (see Problem 1), i.e. 0.5788. For
1500 bottles, it is likely that 1500× 0 .5788, i.e.
868bottleswill containbetween751and754ml.

(c) Thez-valuecorrespondingto757ml is

757 − 753
1. 8

i.e. 2.22 standard deviations. From Table 58.1,
the area corresponding to az-value of 2.22 is
0.4868. The area to the right of thez= 2. 22
ordinate is 0. 5000 − 0 .4868 (see Problem 3), i.e.
0.0132. Thus, for 1500 bottles, it is likely that
1500 × 0 .0132, i.e.20 bottles will have contents
of more than 757ml.
(d) Thez-value corresponding to 750ml is−1.67
(see part (a)), and thez-value corresponding to
751ml is−1.11 (see part (b)). The areas corre-
sponding to thesez-values are 0.4525 and 0.3665
respectively, and both these areas lie on the left
of thez=0 ordinate. The area betweenz=− 1. 67
andz=− 1 .11 is 0. 4525 − 0 .3665, i.e. 0.0860 and
this is the probability of a bottle having contents
between 750 and 751ml. For 1500 bottles, it is
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