Higher Engineering Mathematics, Sixth Edition

(Nancy Kaufman) #1

572 Higher Engineering Mathematics

Problem 2. The relationship between expenditure
on welfare services and absenteeism for similar
periods of time is shown below for a small company.

(£′000) 3.5 5.0 7.0 10 12 15 18
Days lost 241 318 174 110 147 122 86

Determine the coefficient of linear correlation for
this data.

LetXbe the expenditure in thousands of pounds andY
be the days lost.

The coefficient of correlation,





wherex=(X−X)andy=(Y−Y),XandYbeing the
mean values ofXandYrespectively. Using a tabular

X Y x=(X−X) y=(Y−Y)

3.5 241 −6.57 69.9
5.0 318 −5.07 146.9

7.0 174 −3.07 2.9

10 110 −0.07 −61.1
12 147 1.93 −24.1

15 122 4.93 −49.1

18 86 7.93 −85.1

X= 70. 5 , X=

70. 5

= 10. 07

Y= 1198 , Y=

= 171. 1

xy x^2 y^2

−459.2 43.2 4886

−744.8 25.7 21580

−8.9 9.4 8
4.3 0 3733

xy x^2 y^2

−46.5 3.7 581

−242.1 24.3 2411
−674.8 62.9 7242

xy=− 2172

x^2 = 169. 2

y^2 = 40441


− 2172

[169. 2 ×40441]

=− 0. 830

This shows that there isfairlygood inverse correlation
between the expenditure on welfare and days lost due
to absenteeism.

Problem 3. The relationship between monthly
car sales and income from the sale of petrol for a
garage is as shown:

Cars sold 25 31214 7 32814 7313

Income from
petrol sales 1291321172231471710911

Determine the linear coefficient of correlation
between these quantities.

Let Xrepresent the number of cars sold andYthe
income,inthousandsofpounds,frompetrol sales.Using
the tabular approach:

X Y x=(X−X) y=(Y−Y)
2 12 −7.25 −6.25

5 9 −4.25 −9.25

3 13 −6.25 −5.25
12 21 2.75 2.75

14 17 4.75 −1.25

7 22 −2.25 3.75

3 31 −6.25 12.75

28 47 18.75 28.75
14 17 4.75 −1.25

7 10 −2.25 −8.25

3 9 −6.25 −9.25
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