Higher Engineering Mathematics, Sixth Edition

(Nancy Kaufman) #1

Linear regression 577

The number of co-ordinate values given, N is 7.
Substituting in the normal equations gives:

855 = 7 a 0 + 1400 a 1 (1)

212000 = 1400 a 0 + 350000 a 1 (2)

1400 ×( 1 )gives:

1197000 = 9800 a 0 + 1960000 a 1 (3)

7 ×( 2 )gives:

1484000 = 9800 a 0 + 2450000 a 1 (4)

( 4 )−( 3 )gives:

287000 = 0 + 490000 a 1

from which,a 1 =


= 0. 586

Substitutinga 1 = 0 .586 in equation (1) gives:

855 = 7 a 0 + 1400 ( 0. 586 )

i.e. a 0 =

855 − 820. 4

= 4. 94

Thus the equation of the regression line of inductive
reactance on frequency is:


Problem 2. For the data given in Problem 1,
determine the equation of the regression line of
frequency on inductive reactance, assuming a linear

In this case, the inductive reactance is the independent
variableXand the frequency is the dependent variable
line ofXonYis:

X=b 0 +b 1 Y

and the normal equations are

X=b 0 N+b 1



XY=b 0

Y+b 1


From the table shown in Problem 1, the simultaneous
equations are:

1400 = 7 b 0 + 855 b 1
212000 = 855 b 0 + 128725 b 1

Solving these equations in a similar way to that in
Problem 1 gives:

b 0 =− 6. 15
and b 1 = 1. 69 ,correct to 3 significant figures.

Thus the equation of the regression line of frequency on
inductive reactance is:


Problem 3. Use the regression equations
calculated in Problems 1 and 2 to find (a) the value
of inductive reactance when the frequency is 175Hz
and (b) the value of frequency when the inductive
reactance is 250ohms, assuming the line of best fit
extends outside of the given co-ordinate values.
Draw a graph showing the two regression lines.

(a) From Problem 1, the regression equation ofinduc-
tive reactance on frequency is
Y= 4. 94 + 0. 586 X. When the frequency, X,is
175Hz,Y= 4. 94 + 0. 586 ( 175 )= 107 .5, correct to
4 significant figures, i.e. the inductive reactance is
107.5ohmswhen the frequency is 175Hz.
(b) From Problem 2, the regression equation of fre-
quency on inductive reactance is
X=− 6. 15 + 1. 69 Y. When the inductive reac-
tance,Y, is 250ohms,
X=− 6. 15 + 1. 69 ( 250 )= 416 .4Hz, correct to 4
significant figures, i.e. the frequency is416.4Hz
when the inductive reactance is 250ohms.

The graph depicting the two regression lines is shown
in Fig. 60.2. To obtain the regression line of induc-
tive reactance on frequency the regression line equation
Y= 4. 94 + 0. 586 Xis used, andX(frequency) values of
100 and 300 have been selected in order to find the cor-
respondingYvalues. These values gave the co-ordinates
as (100, 63.5) and (300, 180.7), shown as points A
andBin Fig. 60.2. Two co-ordinates for the regression
line of frequency on inductive reactance are calculated
using the equationX=− 6. 15 + 1. 69 Y, the values of
inductive reactance of 50 and 150 being used to obtain
the co-ordinate values. These values gave co-ordinates
(78.4, 50) and (247.4, 150), shown as pointsCandD
in Fig. 60.2.
It can be seen from Fig. 60.2 that to the scale drawn, the
two regression lines coincide. Although it is not nec-
essary to do so, the co-ordinate values are also shown
to indicate that the regression lines do appear to be the
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