Proudhon - A Biography

(Martin Jones) #1


This bibliography is frankly selective. Faced by a mass of French
material on Proudhon, ranging from pamphlets and doctoral theses to
biographies and specialised monographs, and with an even larger
quantity of secondary material, particularly in the periodical press of
Proudhon’s day, in the public archives of Paris, Brussels and Besan9on,
and in the memoirs of his contemporaries, I have decided to restrict
my list to his own writings and to works directly concerning him.
For the reader who wishes to place Proudhon more securely in his
period and in the socialist tradition, I would, however, recommend the
following general books, all of which deal copiously with his sig­
nificance—from points of view that range from the admiring to the
condemnatory: G. Weill, Histoire du mouvement social en France, 1852-
1902 (1904); Sir Alexander Gray, The Socialist Tradition: Moses to Tenin
(1946); E. Dolleans, Histoire du mouvement ouvrier, vol. 1 (1936); Benoit
Malon, Histoire du socialisme, vol. 2 (1883); Max Nettlau, Die For-
friihlung der Anarchie (1925); G. D. H. Cole, History of Socialist Thought,
vols. 1 and 2 (1953-4).
In listing Proudhon’s own works, I have omitted only those pamph­
lets of 1848-9 which were merely reprints of newspaper articles later
collected in the three volumes of Melanges. In listing the works con­
cerning him, I have included all the serious studies; of the many
controversial pamphlets which his career occasioned, I have men­
tioned only those which play a decisive part in his life.
One important primary source is not mentioned in the bibliography.
I am referring to the invaluable Diary of Proudhon, lasting from
1843 to 1864, and covering eleven manuscript volumes, in the posses­
sion of his descendants. This Diary, which I was allowed to consult,
has never been published as a whole, though scanty extracts appeared
in Fa Grande Revue during 1908.

I. W O R K S O F P R O U D H O N

jEssai de Grammaire generate (an anonymous study forming the epilogue
to Bergier’s Flementsprimitifs des langues). Besan^on, 1837.
De TXJtilite de la Celebration du Dimanche. Besanjon, 1839.

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