Proudhon - A Biography

(Martin Jones) #1

Mirecourt, Eugene de, 196-7, 203
Molifere, 44
Moniteur, Le, 138
Montaigne, 15
Montalembert, 178
Morny, Due de, 178
Morris, William, 20;, 259
Muiron, Just, 21-2, 27-8, 62
Mutualism, 21, 74, 99-100, 122, 191,
260, 273-80
Mutualists of Lyons, 73-4, 76, 95

Nadaud, Martin, 83-4
Napoleon I, 41, 182, 218
Napoleon III, 122, 124, 128, 137-8,
140-5, 150, 153, 166-7, !75-8»
180-6, 194-5, 203-4, 223-5,
235, 243
National, Le, 117, 124, 142
Nationalism, 237-9, 242-3, 246-7
Negricr, General, 130
Normanby, Lord, 134
Nouveau Monde Industriel et Sociitaire,
Le (Fourier), 13

Office de la Publicity, L ’, 242, 245
Ogarev, 154
Orsini, 204
Owen, Robert, 40

Pascal, 178
Pauthier, Jean-Pierre, 14, 29, 40,
80, 82, 85
Penet, 255-6
People’s Bank, 76,122, 142-4, 146-8,

  1. 187, 272
    Pereire, 188-9, *99
    Perennes, 13, 29-30, 36, 43, 56
    Peuple, Le, 110-2, 116-8, 137, 141,
    145-8, 150-3, 165-7, i6 9
    Phalansterianism, 13, 57, 59, 61-2,

      1. 77, 84, 120, 162
        Philosophie du Progrh, 51, 189-91,

Piegard, Euphrasie. See Proudhon,
Pilhes, Victor, 152, 220, 237
Plato, 41, 96, 258
Poland, 238-9, 253, 266
Political Justice (Godwin), 40, 50
Populaire, Le, 83-4
Positivism, 77
Poverty of Philosophy, The (Marx), 89,
Prevel, 143
Presse, La, 137, 142, 189, 239, 252
Principe de I’A rt, Du, 256-9
Principe Federatif, Du, 248-50
Property, 39-40, 43-52, 54, 57-8, 64,
93, 97, 239-40
Proudhon, Catherine (mother of
1-7, 17-8, 20, 94-5, 103,
113-4, 168
Catherine (daughter of P.-J-),
168-9, 179, 183, 187, 201, 237,
247, 266-7
Charles, 3-4, 94, 152, 163, 199,
Charlotte, 201-2
Claude-Frangois, 1-9, 17-8, 94-5
Euphrasie, 105-9, 113-4, 147-8,
157-9, 161-4, 168, 173, 178-9,
1 9 2 , 2 0 0 - 1 , 2 2 0 , 2 2 2 - 6 ,
236-8, 241, 244-5, 247, 257,
Frangois-Victor, 2
Jean-Baptistc, 2
Jean-Etiennc, 3-4, 20, 24-5
Marcclle, 179, 183, 187, 192-3
Melchior, 2, 201, 230-1
Pierre-Joseph: birth and family,
1; childhood, 4; education, 5;
apprenticed to printing, 9; meets
Fourier, r 2; meets Fallot, 13;
first journey to Paris, 17; be­
comes master printer, 26; pub­
lishes first writing, the Essai de
Grammaire Generate, 27; gains
Suard Pension, 30; on women,
31; goes to study in Paris, 36;
writes De la Celebration du
Dimanche, 39; formative influ-
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