Proudhon - A Biography

(Martin Jones) #1


The completion of this book would have been
immeasurably more difficult had it not been for the
encouragement and financial assistance given me by
the John Simon Guggenheim Foundation of New
York, who granted me a Fellowship in 1951 for the
purpose of studying Proudhon and his times. I am
also gready indebted to Mile Su2anne Henneguy
and Mme E. Faure-Fremiet, the granddaughters of
Proudhon, for allowing me to inspect Proudhon’s
manuscript diaries and other documents in their
possession and for the time and patience they devoted
to answering my queries. Among the French students
of Proudhon and of the movements influenced by
him, M. l’Abbe Pierre Haubtmann, M. Alexandre
Marc and M. Andre Prudhommeaux were par­
ticularly generous with their advice, while Mr
Arthur Lehning drew my attention to material on
Proudhon in the collections of the International
Institute for Social History. Finally, throughout the
preparation of this book my wife rendered invaluable
assistance in research, in typing and, above all, in
helpful criticism.

Vancouver, 1955 G. W.
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