Body Language Secrets A Guide During Courtship & Dating

(Nancy Kaufman) #1

You won't be a stranger when you start the second
Helpful Hint. At all gatherings, never park yourself
for long any place. Circulate, If you must stop for
awhile, sooner or later, everyone passes through the
kitchen. It's a great place to watch the body language
as you watch the traffic.
The woman who brazenly exhibits her physical as-
sets will get the attention of every man in the room,
initially. After a short time, most men lose interest. To
strongly attract, then hold a man's attention and in-
terest, you must have a secret.
Anticipation is arousing. Be secretive. Be sugges-
tive. Be almost-but-not-quite. Lure us with the un-
known. Imply there's much more than meets our eye.
You have the power to attract him and at the same
time to reassure him. Eye contact followed by a smile
is the most effective attention getter any woman has.
When you look at a man and smile, you nonverbally
say, "Hi! How ya doin'. I'm friendly. I don't bite."
The touching that takes place when shaking hands
enables your emotions and subconscious to make
lightning like value judgements. Massive amounts of
genuine data are exchanged as the two of you touch.
What you both learn is gut knowledge—who the other
person really is.
As a woman you have the power to send discreet
and distinct, yet potent, signals without words. The
most powerful thing you can do is touch him. It makes
no difference when, how, where or why. Communicate
your motives, your wants, your needs, your dislikes as
well as your limits, simply by the way you touch a
man. Use what you have.
Do NOT go over and talk to the first or even the
second one who smiles at you. Smile back. Circulate.
Send out signals. Notice the signals women are send-
ing you. Take your time. Nowadays women do not
Summary 181
trust any man. It is normal for a woman to test you.
Courtship is attraction, supplication, stimulation,
fascination, exhilaration, inspiration, titillation, but
most of all it is—PERSUASION.
We humans conduct courtship by talking, but most
communicating is done with facial expression, tone of
voice, posture and the manner of touching.
The essence of courtship conversations is to com-
municate, with and without words, This is who I am. I
hope you like me. Tell me about yourself so I can dis-
cover if I like you.
When you do and say the right things during the
critical first moments, the moments turn into min-
utes. Only after she has discovered (1) you are safe
and (2) interesting, can she find you attractive
To persuade her, you must reveal yourself so she
can decide. Talk about what you like and dislike as
you give her plenty of openings to do the same thing.
The key is giving her information about you, so she'll
give you information about herself, then you'll have
something to talk about.
When you're not trying, you have The Right Atti-
What is a date? The next to last step of courtship.
It's any activity undertaken in the pretext of having
fun that gives the female time to decide, consciously or
subconsciously, if she has been persuaded.
A successful date (persuasion is happening) has a
rhythm to it. Anticipation, excitement and arousal
come and go. They intermingle with pleasant relaxa-
tion and enjoyable conversation, which, in turn, are
replaced by anticipation and arousal.
Avoid controversial subjects. Reveal your likes and
dislikes in movies, sports, food, travel, drinks, games,
and such. Arranging a second date is much easier af-
ter finding out where you two fit together. Mention

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