Body Language Secrets A Guide During Courtship & Dating

(Nancy Kaufman) #1

74 BODY LANGUAGE SECRETS Meeting Ms Or Mr Right^75

business proposal writing, which I did for a living,
versus proposal grant writing. From there we moved
on to our mutual dislike of the Dallas Cowboys.
What can I say? Once engaged in verbal intercourse,
things often get pleasantly out of hand!

At social gatherings, people stand around in small
groups talking. The woman you want to meet is
often in one. Trouble is, unless you know someone
in that group, it's damn near impossible to be
invited to join it. Here's how to increase the prob-
ability that you will know someone in her group.
At a fund-raising reception, chamber of commerce
mixer, or any party where you don't know very
many people, she's going to be gone in only a few
hours, so you must get everything started immedi-
Nod, smile and say a friendly "Hi!" to each and
every person you see from the time you park the car
until you're situated where you can look the place
over. You're building a foundation to work from.
This simple action gives you the excuse and the
chance to say later on to several people, "Hi! Yeah,
saw you on the way in. I'm Don. Work with Jim" Or,
"Friend of the candidate." Or, "Went through fi-
nance training with Jenene, the Vice President."
Get everything going quickly by using this line to
introduce yourself and have brief conversations with
as many different people as possible. You're setting
it up to meet her. Keep it short and move on. The
more people you meet the better your chances are. It
makes no difference what sex or how old.
When you see her talking with one of the people
you "met" by saying, "Hi! I'm Don.. ." you'll be able
to join their group. Conversation with her will natu-
rally follow. In fact, you'll probably be introduced to
each other!

Plus, it's much easier for any woman interested
in you to join a group you are in because she may
know someone. Once she joins your group, you'll
probably be introduced to each other. Got it?
The principles are the same as meeting her as de-
scribed above. But, she's going to be there next week
and the week after that, so take it easy. Let her
know you're aware of her existence and acknowl-
edge it. Just say "Hi." Don't appear to be anything
but friendly and slightly interested. Be discreet in
front of everyone.
Let her become used to you. Get to know other
people first. She'll feel less threatened if three or
four people are going to the student union for coffee
at break or to the restaurant after the meeting.
Get on the same subcommittee or class project
without being blatantly noticeable. When the situa-
tion is right, under any pretext, ideally class or club
related, start the second conversation. Remember to
shake her hand and introduce yourself a few min-
utes into it.
After a few minutes of talk, compliment her on
anything you genuinely like or admire about her,
especially her clothing and accessories. This must be
genuine or you immediately dismissed as a bullshit
Praising something she picked out, like a bracelet
or shoes is best. Every man tells her she has beauti-
ful eyes or whatever. You're different. Only one com-
pliment per conversation, because you have The
Right Attitude. More later.
This method, dubbed, "The Photographer Ploy," is
useful for meeting someone you noticed but she
hasn't noticed you. I stumbled on this when I volun-
teered to take informal shots at a friend's wedding.
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